Why Isn’t My Maltese Gaining Weight?

Have you noticed that your Maltese pup is not filling out as quickly as you expected? While it can be concerning, there’s no need to panic just yet. In this article, we’ll explore some common reasons why your Maltese might not be gaining weight, including potential health issues, feeding habits, and exercise levels. By understanding these factors, you’ll be better equipped to help your furry friend thrive and maintain a healthy weight. So, let’s dive in and find out why your Maltese isn’t gaining weight!

Health Issues

Underlying Medical Conditions

If your Maltese is not gaining weight, it could be due to underlying medical conditions. Certain health issues can affect their appetite and metabolism, leading to weight loss or difficulty in gaining weight. It is crucial to consult your veterinarian to rule out any medical conditions that may be impacting your dog’s weight. Conditions such as thyroid problems, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, or hormonal imbalances can contribute to weight loss or poor weight gain.


Parasites can be a significant factor in your Maltese’s weight struggles. Internal parasites, such as worms, can cause nutritional deficiencies as they compete for the nutrients your dog’s body needs. This can lead to weight loss and nutritional imbalances. External parasites, like fleas and ticks, can cause discomfort and irritation, affecting your dog’s appetite and overall well-being. Regular parasite prevention and deworming treatments are essential to ensure your Maltese can maintain a healthy weight.

Digestive Problems

Digestive problems can also play a role in your Maltese’s weight issues. Conditions such as gastroenteritis, inflammatory bowel disease, or food intolerances can lead to poor nutrient absorption and weight loss. Inflammation or damage to the digestive tract can impair your dog’s ability to absorb nutrients from their food, resulting in inadequate weight gain. If you suspect digestive issues, it is vital to consult your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Dietary Factors

Inadequate Nutrition

One of the most common reasons for poor weight gain in Maltese dogs is inadequate nutrition. Feeding your dog a balanced and high-quality diet is fundamental to their overall health and weight management. Ensure that the food you provide meets their nutritional needs, including appropriate levels of protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. If you are unsure about your dog’s dietary requirements, consult your veterinarian or a professional in pet nutrition.

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Poor Appetite

If your Maltese is not gaining weight, it could simply be due to a poor appetite. Some dogs may be picky eaters or have a decreased appetite due to stress, anxiety, or illness. Try offering high-value and palatable foods to stimulate their appetite. Warm the food slightly or entice them with additional toppings, such as bone broth or a sprinkle of low-sodium broth powder. If your dog continues to have a poor appetite, it is crucial to seek veterinary advice to identify any underlying causes and develop a suitable feeding strategy.

Inappropriate Feeding Routine

The feeding routine you establish for your Maltese can also impact their weight. Irregular feeding times or free feeding (leaving food out all day) can make it challenging to monitor their intake accurately. Establish a consistent feeding schedule with specific meal times to promote a healthy appetite. Ensure that you are offering appropriate portion sizes for your dog’s size, age, and activity level. Avoid overfeeding, as excessive calorie intake can lead to weight gain or obesity.

Stress or Anxiety

Environmental Stressors

Stress can also contribute to weight issues in Maltese dogs. Environmental stressors such as a change in household dynamics, a new pet, moving to a new home, or loud noises can impact their appetite and overall well-being. Provide a calm and secure environment for your dog, with a designated feeding area away from distractions or stressful situations. If necessary, consult a professional dog behaviorist to address any underlying stress or anxiety that may be affecting their weight.

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is another common cause of weight loss or poor weight gain in Maltese dogs. When dogs experience separation anxiety, they may lose their appetite, become restless, or show other signs of distress when left alone. This can result in weight loss over time. It is essential to work on separation training and gradually build up your dog’s tolerance to being alone. Seek guidance from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist to address separation anxiety effectively and support your Maltese in maintaining a healthy weight.

Exercise and Activity Level

Insufficient Exercise

Exercise plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy weight for Maltese dogs. If your dog is not getting enough physical activity, they may struggle to gain weight or even become overweight. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to a decreased metabolism and poor muscle development. Ensure that your Maltese receives daily exercise through walks, playtime, or interactive toys. Tailor the exercise routine to your dog’s age, fitness level, and any specific limitations they may have.

Excessive Activity

On the other hand, excessive activity can also affect your Maltese’s weight. Some dogs have a naturally high activity level or a tendency to become hyperactive. This can result in burning excessive calories and difficulty in maintaining or gaining weight. Monitor your dog’s activity level and provide ample opportunities for rest and relaxation. It may be necessary to adjust the exercise routine or consider incorporating activities that focus on mental stimulation rather than solely physical exertion.

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Age and Development

Puppy Growth

If you are concerned about your Maltese puppy’s weight gain, it is essential to consider their growth and development. Puppies have specific nutritional requirements to support their rapid growth and development. Ensure that you are feeding them a high-quality puppy food formulated for small breeds. Monitor their weight gain and consult your veterinarian to ensure they are achieving the appropriate milestones. Gradually transition them to adult food following your veterinarian’s guidance once they reach adulthood.

Senior Age

In senior Maltese dogs, the aging process can impact their weight management. Older dogs may experience a decline in appetite, decreased metabolism, or dental issues that make it challenging to eat properly. Adjustments may be necessary to accommodate your senior dog’s changing needs. Switching to a senior-specific diet that addresses their nutritional requirements and maintaining regular veterinary check-ups is crucial to support their overall health and weight maintenance.

Food Allergies or Sensitivities

Common Allergens

Food allergies or sensitivities can contribute to weight issues in Maltese dogs. Certain ingredients commonly found in commercial dog foods, such as grains (wheat, corn, or soy) or specific protein sources (beef, chicken, or fish) can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Allergies can manifest as skin irritations, gastrointestinal issues, or a decrease in appetite. If you suspect a food allergy or sensitivity, consult your veterinarian who may recommend an elimination diet to identify the problematic ingredient and determine an appropriate diet for your dog.

Elimination Diet

An elimination diet is a systematic process to identify and eliminate food allergens from your Maltese’s diet. This involves feeding a limited ingredient diet consisting of novel protein and carbohydrate sources that your dog has not been previously exposed to. Over time, you reintroduce specific ingredients to observe any adverse reactions. This process helps identify the allergen(s) responsible for your dog’s symptoms and allows you to create a customized diet that avoids those ingredients, supporting healthy weight management.

Improper Feeding Techniques

Free Feeding

Free feeding, or leaving food out all day for your Maltese to graze on, can hinder weight gain. This feeding method can lead to excessive calorie intake or irregular eating habits. Instead, establish a regular feeding routine with specific meal times. Offering measured portion sizes at designated times allows for better monitoring of your dog’s food intake, ensuring they receive the necessary nutrients while avoiding overfeeding or underfeeding.

Wrong Portion Size

Providing the correct portion size is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight in Maltese dogs. Overfeeding can lead to excessive weight gain, while underfeeding can result in inadequate nutrition and weight loss. Follow the recommended guidelines provided by the dog food manufacturer or consult your veterinarian to determine the appropriate portion size based on your dog’s age, size, activity level, and overall condition. Regularly monitor your Maltese’s weight and adjust the portion size accordingly to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

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Genetics and Breed Characteristics

Metabolism Rate

The genetics and breed characteristics of Maltese dogs can impact their metabolism rate and weight management. Some dogs naturally have a higher metabolism, making it easier for them to maintain a healthy weight even with a seemingly voracious appetite. Others may have a slower metabolism, leading to weight gain even with a relatively low-calorie intake. Understanding your Maltese’s genetic predispositions can help you develop a suitable feeding and exercise plan to match their individual needs.

Body Structure

The body structure of Maltese dogs can also influence their weight management. Their small size and delicate bone structure mean they have less body mass to carry excess weight. Even a slight increase in weight can have a significant impact on their overall health. Ensure that you are providing a balanced diet and regular exercise to maintain a healthy body weight and reduce the risk of joint issues or other health problems associated with excessive weight gain.

Inadequate Feeding Schedule

Number of Meals

The number of meals you provide for your Maltese can affect their weight gain. Puppies typically require more frequent meals due to their higher energy needs for growth. As they reach adulthood, you can transition to two or three meals per day, depending on your dog’s individual requirements. Be consistent with meal times to establish a healthy feeding routine and ensure optimal nutrient absorption.

Feeding Times

The timing of meals can also impact your Maltese’s weight management. When the time between meals is too long or irregular, your dog may overeat during mealtime, leading to weight gain. Similarly, feeding too close to bedtime can disrupt their sleep patterns and digestion. Establish regular meal times that allow for proper digestion and avoid excessive hunger or overfeeding.

Lack of Veterinary Advice

Consulting a Veterinarian

If your Maltese is struggling with weight gain or experiencing weight loss, it is crucial to seek veterinary advice. A veterinarian can assess your dog’s overall health, conduct necessary diagnostic tests, and identify any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to the problem. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your Maltese’s specific needs and guide you in developing a suitable dietary and exercise plan to support healthy weight management.

Medical Evaluation

A thorough medical evaluation is essential to determine the underlying cause of your Maltese’s weight issues. Your veterinarian may perform blood tests, fecal examinations, or imaging scans to rule out any medical conditions or parasites that could be affecting your dog’s weight. This evaluation ensures that any necessary treatments or dietary adjustments are made to address the root cause of the problem and promote healthy weight gain.

In conclusion, there are various factors that can contribute to a Maltese dog’s difficulty in gaining weight. From underlying medical conditions and parasites to dietary factors, stress or anxiety, exercise levels, age and development, food allergies, improper feeding techniques, genetics, inadequate feeding schedules, and lack of veterinary advice – all these aspects can impact weight management. By understanding these factors and seeking appropriate guidance from a veterinarian, you can help your Maltese achieve and maintain a healthy weight, ensuring their overall well-being and quality of life.