Do Maltese Dogs Enjoy Cold Weather

Are you curious to know if Maltese dogs enjoy cold weather? Despite their luxurious and long white coats, these adorable furballs can actually thrive in colder temperatures. While they may not have the thick fur of some other breeds, Maltese dogs have a surprisingly high tolerance for chilly climates. In fact, their coat acts as a natural insulator, keeping them warm during colder seasons. So, if you’re planning to take your Maltese out for a winter adventure, rest assured that they can truly embrace the frosty weather with excitement and joy!

Physical attributes of Maltese dogs

Size and weight

Maltese dogs are small in size and lightweight, making them an ideal choice for individuals or families living in apartments or small homes. On average, they weigh between 4 to 7 pounds (1.8 to 3.2 kilograms) and stand approximately 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 centimeters) tall at the shoulder. Their compact size allows them to easily adapt to different living environments.

Double coat

The Maltese breed is known for its luxurious double coat. These dogs have a long, silky, and straight outer coat that adds an elegant touch to their appearance. However, despite their beautiful coat, it’s important to note that it doesn’t provide much insulation against cold weather. The thinness of the individual hairs and lack of an undercoat makes them more susceptible to chilly temperatures.

Toy breed

Maltese dogs are considered a toy breed, which means they are specifically bred to be small and portable. Although their size may make them seem delicate, they possess a lively and playful disposition. This toy breed designation also implies that they have a higher metabolism and, therefore, a greater vulnerability to cold weather compared to larger dogs.

Natural habitat of Maltese dogs


Originally from the Mediterranean island of Malta, Maltese dogs have a history that can be traced back over 2,000 years. They were bred as companion dogs and were favorites among royalty and aristocracy. The warm climate of Malta, characterized by mild winters and hot summers, shaped the breed’s adaptations, making them more suitable for warmer environments.

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Mediterranean climate

The Mediterranean climate of Malta, with its mild winters and moderate temperatures, influences the Maltese dogs’ tolerance for cold weather. Their natural habitat features sunny and warm conditions for most of the year. As a result, their genetic makeup is better suited for warmer climates rather than harsh, cold environments.

Reaction to cold weather

Sensitivity to low temperatures

Due to their small size and thin coat, Maltese dogs are generally more sensitive to low temperatures. They have a harder time regulating their body temperature in colder conditions compared to larger breeds with thicker fur. It’s important to monitor your Maltese closely and take necessary precautions to protect them from the cold.

Risk of hypothermia

One of the major concerns for Maltese dogs in cold weather is the risk of hypothermia. Hypothermia occurs when a dog’s body temperature drops below normal levels, leading to a potentially life-threatening situation. Their small size and lack of insulation make them more vulnerable to this condition, especially if exposed to cold temperatures for extended periods.

Signs of discomfort

When a Maltese dog is feeling cold or uncomfortable in cold weather, they may exhibit certain signs to indicate their distress. Shivering or trembling is a common sign of their body trying to generate warmth. They may also show signs of discomfort through changes in their body posture and movements, such as curling up or seeking warm spots.

Precautions to take in cold weather

Proper clothing

To help protect your Maltese from cold weather, consider dressing them in appropriate clothing. Sweaters, coats, and booties made specifically for dogs can provide an additional layer of insulation and protect them from the chilly temperatures. Ensure that the clothing fits properly and allows for ease of movement.

Limiting exposure

Limit the time your Maltese spends outside in cold weather. Shorter walks or potty breaks can help reduce their exposure to low temperatures. It’s important to remember that even with proper clothing, they are still more susceptible to the cold than larger breeds, so it’s best to minimize their time outside during colder months.

Providing warm shelter

When outdoors, make sure your Maltese has access to a warm and sheltered area. This can include a well-insulated doghouse or an enclosed porch with suitable bedding to keep them warm. When indoors, provide cozy spots near heaters or allow them access to warm blankets and beds.

Avoiding icy surfaces

Maltese dogs, like any other breed, can injure themselves on slippery and icy surfaces. Avoid walking them on icy sidewalks or roads to prevent slips, falls, or more serious injuries. Instead, choose routes with cleared paths or consider using pet-friendly road salt to minimize the risk.

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Adapting to cold weather

Gradual acclimation

To help your Maltese adapt to cold weather gradually, expose them to cooler temperatures in shorter increments. This allows their body to adjust and build tolerance over time. Avoid sudden exposure to extreme cold and give them breaks indoors to warm up if needed.

Building tolerance

Over time, with regular exposure to cold weather, your Maltese can build a certain level of tolerance to lower temperatures. However, it’s important to continue monitoring them closely and taking precautions, as they will always be more susceptible to the cold compared to larger, more cold-resistant breeds.

Regular exercise

Regular exercise is important for a Maltese’s overall well-being, even in cold weather. Engage in moderate exercise sessions to keep them physically active and mentally stimulated. However, be mindful of their tolerance to the cold, and adjust the duration and intensity of the exercise accordingly.

Outdoor activities

Engaging your Maltese in outdoor activities can help them enjoy cold weather. Build snowmen in your backyard or take them to dog-friendly parks with snow-covered trails. These activities can provide mental stimulation and keep your dog entertained in a safe and controlled environment.

Cold weather activities for Maltese dogs

Winter walks

Take your Maltese for short winter walks to stimulate their senses and provide mental and physical exercise. Dress them in appropriate winter clothing and be mindful of icy or slippery surfaces to ensure their safety.

Indoor games and puzzles

On particularly cold days, provide your Maltese with indoor games and puzzles to keep them mentally active. This can include treat-dispensing toys or interactive games that challenge their problem-solving skills.

Agility training

Agility training is a great way to engage your Maltese both mentally and physically. Set up a miniature agility course indoors or in a suitable space, and guide them through obstacles and challenges. This activity not only provides exercise but also helps build their confidence and coordination.

Tracking exercises

Engage your Maltese in tracking exercises, either indoors or outdoors, by hiding treats or toys for them to find. This taps into their natural curiosity and enhances their mental stimulation, making it an enjoyable activity for both you and your dog.

Health considerations in cold weather

Dry skin and coat

In cold weather, it’s common for Maltese dogs to experience dry skin and coat. The dry air and exposure to harsh elements can lead to flaky skin and dull fur. Regular grooming and moisturizing their skin with dog-specific products can help alleviate these issues and maintain a healthy coat.


Because of their thin coat and vulnerability to cold temperatures, Maltese dogs are at a higher risk of developing frostbite. Frostbite occurs when the skin and underlying tissues freeze, usually on the extremities such as the ears, paws, or tail. It’s crucial to monitor your Maltese closely for signs of frostbite and seek immediate veterinary attention if you suspect any frostbite-related issues.

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Respiratory issues

Cold air can irritate a Maltese’s respiratory system and potentially exacerbate any existing respiratory conditions. If your dog has a history of respiratory issues, it’s essential to take extra precautions in cold weather and avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures for prolonged periods.

Joint and muscle stiffness

Cold weather can also impact your Maltese’s joints and muscles, making them more prone to stiffness and discomfort. Regular exercise, warm-up activities before going outside, and ensuring they have a warm resting area can help alleviate any discomfort associated with joint and muscle stiffness.

Importance of monitoring body language

Understanding signs of discomfort

One of the most crucial aspects of caring for your Maltese in cold weather is monitoring their body language to identify signs of discomfort. By paying attention to their behavior, you can address their needs promptly and ensure their well-being.

Paying attention to shivering or trembling

If you notice your Maltese shivering or trembling in cold weather, it’s a clear indication that they are feeling cold and may need immediate attention. Offer them warm shelter or consider transitioning indoors to provide a more comfortable environment.

Observing body posture and movements

Changes in your Maltese’s body posture and movements can also provide insights into their comfort level in cold weather. If you notice them curling up tightly or seeking warmer spots, it’s a sign that they are trying to generate heat and may need additional warmth.

Seeking veterinary advice

Assessing individual dog’s sensitivity

Each Maltese dog is unique, and their sensitivity to cold weather may vary. If you’re unsure about how well your Maltese can tolerate cold temperatures, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian who can assess their individual needs and provide personalized guidance.

Professional guidance on cold weather care

Veterinarians are well-versed in providing advice on caring for pets in different weather conditions. They can help you develop a cold weather care plan specifically tailored to your Maltese, taking into account their size, health, and overall well-being.

Age and health considerations

Age and underlying health conditions can also impact your Maltese’s ability to handle cold weather. Older dogs or those with existing health issues may be more susceptible to the cold and require additional precautions or accommodations. Veterinary guidance is essential in these cases to ensure your dog’s comfort and safety.

Alternative options and adaptations

Indoor potty training

If your Maltese struggles with outdoor potty breaks in cold weather, consider indoor potty training. Use indoor potty pads or litter boxes specifically designed for dogs to provide a convenient and warm alternative during chilly months.

Heated dog beds or blankets

Investing in a heated dog bed or blanket can provide your Maltese with a cozy and warm resting spot indoors during cold weather. These products offer a controlled heat source that helps regulate your dog’s body temperature and keeps them comfortable.

Indoor play areas and enrichment

Creating an indoor play area or enrichment zone for your Maltese can keep them mentally stimulated and entertained during cold weather. Set up obstacle courses, provide interactive toys, and engage in play sessions to ensure they stay active and engaged indoors.

Seasonal clothing options

Explore different clothing options for your Maltese to ensure they stay warm and comfortable in cold weather. From stylish sweaters to protective booties, there are numerous options available that can help safeguard your Maltese against chilly temperatures while keeping them looking fashionable.

As a responsible pet owner, it’s crucial to understand the impact of cold weather on your Maltese and take appropriate measures to keep them safe and comfortable. By following these guidelines and seeking veterinary advice when needed, you can ensure that your Maltese enjoys the winter months while staying happy and healthy.