Understanding the Temperament of a Maltese

Have you ever wondered what makes a Maltese dog so unique? The temperament of a Maltese is truly one of a kind. These tiny, white fluff balls are known for their friendly and affectionate nature. Whether they’re sitting on your lap or following you around the house, a Maltese will always be by your side, ready to shower you with love and attention. Don’t be fooled by their small size though, these little dogs have a big personality and a lot of confidence. In this article, we will take a closer look at the temperament of the charming Maltese breed and explore what makes them such delightful companions.

General Overview

Introduction to the Maltese breed

The Maltese breed is an adorable and lovable small dog that is known for its glamorous white coat and charming personality. Though small in size, Maltese dogs are big on personality and make wonderful companions for individuals and families alike. They are highly sought after for their cheerful and affectionate nature, making them a popular choice for those looking for a loyal and devoted pet.

Physical characteristics

The Maltese breed is characterized by its small size and distinctive appearance. They have a compact body with a height of about 7 to 9 inches and a weight ranging from 4 to 7 pounds. One of their most notable features is their long, flowing white coat, which is soft and silky to the touch. Their expressive eyes are round and dark, giving them an endearing and soulful look. Their small, button-like nose and drop ears further enhance their charming appearance.

History and origin

The Maltese breed has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. They are believed to have originated on the Mediterranean island of Malta, where they were cherished as lapdogs and companions by the nobility. Throughout history, Maltese dogs were highly prized by royalty and aristocrats, and were often seen in the arms of fashionable ladies. They have retained their popularity over the centuries and continue to be adored by dog lovers around the world.

Temperament Traits


One of the most endearing qualities of the Maltese breed is their affectionate nature. They thrive on love and attention and are known for being extremely devoted to their owners. Maltese dogs form strong bonds with their human companions and love nothing more than curling up in their laps for a cuddle session. Their affectionate nature makes them excellent therapy dogs and wonderful companions for those in need of emotional support.


Despite their small size, Maltese dogs have boundless energy and love to engage in play. They are naturally playful and enjoy interactive games and toys. Whether it’s a game of fetch or a fun tug-of-war, Maltese dogs are always up for some playful fun. Their playful nature also makes them a great choice for families with children, as they love to join in on the laughter and playtime.


The Maltese breed is known for its intelligence, making them highly trainable and quick learners. They are eager to please their owners and thrive in an environment that offers mental stimulation and challenges. Whether it’s learning new tricks or participating in obedience training, the Maltese is up for the task. Their intelligence also makes them adaptable to various lifestyles, whether living in a small apartment in the city or a larger home in the suburbs.

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Maltese dogs are naturally alert and excel at being watchdogs. Despite their small size, they have a keen sense of hearing and will bark to alert their owners of any potential threats or intruders. This alertness makes them an excellent choice for those seeking a dog that will be a reliable alarm system and provide a sense of security in their home.


While Maltese dogs are known for their loving and affectionate nature, they can also be sensitive creatures. They are highly attuned to the emotions and moods of their owners and can become stressed or anxious if they sense tension in the environment. It is important for owners to provide a calm and stable atmosphere for their Maltese, as they thrive in an environment that is nurturing and free of conflict.

Behavioral Patterns

Bonding with their owners

Maltese dogs are known for forming strong bonds with their owners and are happiest when they are in close proximity. They thrive on companionship and can become distressed if left alone for extended periods of time. Owners of Maltese dogs should be prepared to spend quality time with their furry friend and provide plenty of love and attention.

Demand for attention

Maltese dogs have a natural inclination to seek attention from their owners. They will often follow their owners around the house, wanting to be involved in whatever activity is taking place. Their desire for attention can sometimes be demanding, but it is important for owners to address their needs and provide the love and affection they crave.

Separation anxiety

Due to their strong attachment to their owners, Maltese dogs may experience separation anxiety when left alone. They can become distressed and exhibit signs of anxiety such as excessive barking, destructive behavior, or soiling in the house. To alleviate separation anxiety, it is important to gradually acclimate the Maltese to periods of alone time and provide them with mental stimulation and toys to keep them occupied.

Barking tendencies

Maltese dogs are known for their tendency to bark, which can sometimes be excessive if not properly managed. They have a sharp and distinctive bark that they use to communicate their needs or alert their owners. It is important for owners to establish boundaries and provide proper training to curb excessive barking behaviors and ensure the Maltese’s bark is used appropriately.


Maltese dogs can be sensitive to loud noises, new environments, or unfamiliar people. They may exhibit signs of fear or withdrawal if they feel overwhelmed or threatened. It is crucial for owners to provide a safe and secure environment for their Maltese, and to introduce them to new experiences and socialization opportunities gradually and positively.

Social Interaction

Good with children

Maltese dogs are generally good with children and can make wonderful playmates and companions. Their small size and gentle nature make them suitable for households with respectful and well-behaved children. It is important to supervise interactions between Maltese dogs and young children to ensure their safety and to teach children how to properly handle and interact with small dogs.

Compatibility with other pets

Maltese dogs can coexist well with other pets, including cats and other dogs, given proper socialization and introductions. Early socialization is key to ensure that the Maltese grows up to be comfortable and confident around other animals. It is important to monitor their interactions and provide a safe and positive environment for all pets involved.

Sociability towards strangers

Maltese dogs are generally friendly and sociable towards strangers, though some individuals may be more reserved or cautious. They are not typically aggressive towards unfamiliar people and can make good companions for those who enjoy meeting new people. Early socialization and positive exposure to a variety of people can help ensure that the Maltese develops a well-rounded and friendly attitude towards strangers.

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Potty training

Potty training is an essential part of raising a well-behaved Maltese dog. Due to their small size, it is important to establish a consistent routine and provide frequent opportunities for your Maltese to relieve themselves. Positive reinforcement, such as praise and treats, can be used to reward desired behavior and encourage the development of good potty habits.

Obedience training

The intelligence and eagerness to please of the Maltese breed make them highly trainable when it comes to obedience. Basic commands such as sit, stay, and come can be taught using positive reinforcement techniques. Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key to successfully training a Maltese dog and ensuring that they understand and respond to commands consistently.


Early socialization is crucial for a well-rounded and confident Maltese dog. Exposing them to various people, animals, and environments from a young age can help prevent fearfulness or aggression towards unfamiliar situations. Puppy classes, playdates, and supervised visits to new places are all excellent ways to socialize your Maltese and ensure they grow up to be confident and well-adjusted adults.

Crate training

Crate training can be a useful tool for housebreaking and providing a safe space for your Maltese. When done correctly, crate training can help alleviate separation anxiety and provide a cozy den-like space for your dog. It is important to introduce the crate gradually and make it a positive and comfortable space for your Maltese. Never use the crate as a form of punishment, as this can create a negative association with the crate.

Trick training

Maltese dogs are highly intelligent and enjoy learning new tricks and commands. Trick training can be a fun and engaging way to provide mental stimulation for your Maltese and strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend. From simple tricks like “sit” and “lie down” to more advanced tricks like “roll over” or “fetch,” the possibilities for training are endless. Be patient, use positive reinforcement, and make training sessions short and enjoyable for the best results.

Exercise and Play

Exercise needs

Despite their small size, Maltese dogs have moderate exercise needs. They enjoy daily walks or play sessions to burn off energy and keep them physically and mentally stimulated. A couple of short walks per day, combined with interactive playtime, should be sufficient to meet their exercise needs. However, it is important to monitor their activity level and avoid excessive exercise that can strain their delicate bodies.

Activities for mental stimulation

In addition to physical exercise, Maltese dogs also require mental stimulation to prevent boredom and destructive behavior. Interactive puzzle toys, treat-dispensing toys, and obedience training sessions can all provide mental challenges and engage your Maltese’s intelligence. Regular mental stimulation will help keep your Maltese happy, healthy, and well-behaved.

Favorite toys

Maltese dogs have a playful nature and enjoy a variety of toys to keep them entertained. Soft plush toys, interactive puzzle toys, and small tennis balls are popular choices for Maltese. It is important to choose toys appropriate for their size to avoid any choking hazards. Rotating toys regularly can help prevent boredom and keep your Maltese interested in their playthings.

Grooming Requirements

Coat care

The long, silky coat of the Maltese requires regular grooming to keep it in top condition. Daily brushing is necessary to prevent matting and tangles, as well as to remove any loose hairs. The coat should be brushed gently to avoid causing discomfort to your Maltese. Regular visits to a professional groomer may also be necessary to maintain the attractive appearance of the coat.

Bathing routine

Bathing the Maltese breed should be done on a regular basis to keep their coat clean and free from dirt and odor. However, it is important not to overdo it, as excessive bathing can strip the natural oils from their skin and coat, leading to dryness and irritation. Using a high-quality, mild dog shampoo that is specifically formulated for sensitive skin is recommended.

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Ear cleaning

Maltese dogs are prone to ear infections due to their hanging ears. Regular ear cleaning is necessary to prevent the buildup of dirt, debris, and wax. Use a veterinarian-recommended ear cleaner and a cotton ball to gently wipe the inside of the ears, being careful not to insert anything into the ear canal. Regular cleaning will help keep your Maltese’s ears healthy and free from infection.

Eye care

The round and expressive eyes of the Maltese require regular care to prevent tear staining and eye infections. Regularly wiping the area around the eyes with a damp cloth or using veterinarian-recommended eye wipes can help keep the eye area clean. It is important to be gentle and avoid getting any products or debris into the eyes.

Dental care

Proper dental care is essential for the overall health and well-being of your Maltese. Regular brushing with a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste is recommended to prevent dental issues such as plaque buildup, gum disease, and bad breath. Additionally, providing dental chews or toys designed to promote healthy teeth and gums can be beneficial.

Health Considerations

Common health issues

While Maltese dogs are generally healthy, they are prone to certain health issues that prospective owners should be aware of. Some of the common health issues seen in the Maltese breed include dental problems, patellar luxation, tracheal collapse, eye problems, and allergies. Regular veterinary check-ups and proper care can help identify and manage any potential health concerns.

Regular veterinary check-ups

Routine veterinary check-ups are essential to monitor the health and well-being of your Maltese. Your veterinarian will be able to assess your dog’s overall health, provide necessary vaccinations, and perform any necessary screenings or tests to catch any underlying health issues early. Regular check-ups will help ensure that your Maltese lives a long and healthy life.

Signs of distress or illness

It is important for owners to be attentive to any signs of distress or illness in their Maltese. Some common signs to watch out for include changes in appetite or water intake, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, excessive itching, or changes in behavior. If you notice any unusual symptoms or behaviors, it is important to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health concerns.

Feeding Habits

Nutritional requirements

Providing a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for the health and well-being of your Maltese. They require a diet that is specifically formulated for small breed dogs, taking into account their size, energy level, and any specific health concerns they may have. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate type and amount of food to feed your Maltese, and take into consideration factors such as age, weight, and activity level.

Feeding schedule

Establishing a consistent feeding schedule is important for maintaining a healthy eating routine for your Maltese. Most adult Maltese will do well with two small meals per day, while puppies may require more frequent feeding. Avoid free-feeding or leaving food out all day, as it can lead to overeating and weight gain. It is important to measure out the appropriate portion sizes to prevent overfeeding or underfeeding.

Portion control

Portion control is essential to maintain a healthy weight for your Maltese. It is important to follow the feeding guidelines provided by the manufacturer of your dog’s food and adjust the portion size according to their age, weight, and activity level. Treats should also be given in moderation to prevent excess calorie intake. Regularly monitoring your Maltese’s body condition and consulting with your veterinarian can help ensure they maintain a healthy weight.

Possible food allergies

Some Maltese dogs may develop food allergies or sensitivities, leading to digestive issues, skin problems, or other health concerns. It is important to monitor your Maltese’s response to different types of food and consult with your veterinarian if you suspect they may have a food allergy. Your veterinarian can recommend an appropriate dietary plan or perform allergy testing to identify and manage any food sensitivities.


In conclusion, the Maltese breed is a delightful and affectionate companion that brings joy and love to their owners’ lives. Their playful and intelligent nature, combined with their gorgeous appearance, make them a popular choice for both individuals and families. Understanding the temperament and behavioral patterns of the Maltese breed is crucial in providing them with the love, care, and training that they require. With proper care, socialization, and training, your Maltese will reward you with years of unconditional love and companionship.