Top 10 Hypoallergenic Foods for Maltese Dogs

If you’re a proud Maltese dog owner who is looking for the best food options to accommodate your furry friend’s allergies, then look no further. In this article, we have compiled a list of the top 10 hypoallergenic foods specifically chosen to suit the dietary needs of your Maltese. Whether it’s grain-free options or limited ingredient formulas, these carefully selected choices will help keep your Maltese happy, healthy, and free from any unpleasant allergic reactions.


Rich in omega-3 fatty acids

Salmon is an excellent choice for Maltese dogs with allergies. Not only is it a delicious and appealing option for your furry friend, but it is also packed with omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids play a crucial role in promoting overall health and well-being. They help reduce inflammation in the body, which can be especially beneficial for dogs with allergies or sensitive skin. Omega-3 fatty acids can also support a healthy immune system, improve cognitive function, and promote a lustrous and shiny coat.

High-quality protein source

Protein is an essential nutrient for dogs, and it becomes even more critical for those with allergies. Salmon is a high-quality protein source that provides all the essential amino acids needed for your Maltese’s optimal health. Protein plays a vital role in muscle development, repair, and overall growth. By incorporating salmon into your dog’s diet, you are ensuring that they receive the necessary building blocks for a healthy and strong body.

Promotes healthy skin and coat

One common issue among dogs with allergies is skin and coat problems. Thankfully, salmon can help alleviate these issues. Its omega-3 fatty acids, as mentioned earlier, help reduce inflammation, soothe irritation, and promote healthy skin. These fatty acids also nourish the hair follicles, resulting in a shiny and lustrous coat for your Maltese. By including salmon in your dog’s diet, you are giving them the nutrients they need for a healthy and vibrant appearance.

Reduces inflammation

Allergies often come with unwanted inflammation in the body, leading to discomfort and potential health issues. Salmon’s omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, helping to alleviate this inflammation. By reducing inflammation, salmon can help provide relief for dogs with allergies, making it an excellent addition to their diet. So, if you’re looking for a food option that can combat inflammation associated with allergies, salmon is a top choice for your Maltese.


Gentle on the stomach

If your Maltese has a sensitive stomach, whitefish may be an ideal hypoallergenic food option. It is known to be gentle on the digestive system, making it easier for dogs with sensitivities to tolerate. Many dogs with allergies or digestive issues find relief when given whitefish as their protein source. So, if you’re searching for a food that won’t upset your Maltese’s stomach, whitefish is a fantastic choice.

Low in allergenic potential

Food allergies are a common concern for dog owners, especially when it comes to finding suitable options for their furry friends. Whitefish, being a novel protein source, is considered to have low allergenic potential. This means that it is less likely to cause adverse reactions or trigger allergies in dogs. By choosing whitefish as part of your Maltese’s diet, you are selecting a protein source that has a lower risk of causing allergic reactions.

Good source of lean protein

Protein is an essential component of a dog’s diet, and whitefish provides a good source of lean protein. Lean protein is vital for your Maltese’s overall health and well-being, as it helps support muscle development and repair. Incorporating whitefish into your dog’s diet ensures that they are getting the necessary protein for maintaining their body’s function and strength.

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Rich in omega-3 fatty acids

Similar to salmon, whitefish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which offer various benefits for dogs with allergies. These fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the inflammation associated with allergic reactions. Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids support a healthy immune system and contribute to a shiny and healthy coat. By including whitefish in your Maltese’s diet, you are providing them with these essential fatty acids and their associated benefits.


Low in fat

For Maltese dogs that are prone to weight gain or have specific dietary restrictions, turkey is an excellent hypoallergenic food option. Turkey is known for being low in fat, making it an ideal choice for dogs with sensitive stomachs or weight management concerns. By incorporating turkey into your Maltese’s diet, you can provide them with a lean protein source while keeping their fat intake in check.

Digestible protein source

Another advantage of turkey as a hypoallergenic food for Maltese dogs is its digestibility. Turkey is generally well-tolerated by most dogs and is considered a highly digestible protein source. This means that your Maltese’s digestive system can efficiently break down and absorb the nutrients from turkey, preventing any gastrointestinal issues. If your dog has a sensitive stomach or experiences digestive problems, turkey can be a suitable option to ensure they receive the necessary protein without causing discomfort.

High in essential vitamins and minerals

Turkey not only provides a lean and digestible protein source but also offers essential vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are important for your Maltese’s overall health and ensure their body functions optimally. Vitamins and minerals play key roles in various bodily functions, including immune system support, bone health, and energy production. By including turkey in your dog’s diet, you are providing them with a nutrient-rich food source that contributes to their well-being.

Great for dogs with sensitive stomachs

If your Maltese has a sensitive stomach, finding the right hypoallergenic food can be challenging. Turkey, with its low fat content and digestibility, is often well-tolerated by dogs with sensitive stomachs. Its mild nature makes it less likely to cause gastrointestinal upset or allergic reactions, making it an excellent option for these furry friends. If you’re looking for a food that won’t upset your Maltese’s stomach, consider incorporating turkey into their diet.


Novel protein source

When it comes to hypoallergenic food options, incorporating novel protein sources can be beneficial for dogs with allergies. Duck, being less common in dog food formulations, is considered a novel protein source. This means that many dogs haven’t been previously exposed to it, making them less likely to have developed an allergic reaction. Choosing duck as part of your Maltese’s diet reduces the risk of triggering allergic responses and provides a unique protein source for optimal nutrition.

Low in allergenic potential

Just like whitefish, duck is known to have low allergenic potential. This means that compared to more common protein sources like beef or chicken, ducks are less likely to cause adverse reactions or allergies in dogs. For Maltese dogs with food sensitivities or allergies, incorporating duck into their diet can be a safe and hypoallergenic option. By choosing duck, you’re providing your furry friend with a protein source that minimizes the risk of allergic reactions.

Highly digestible

Digestibility is an essential factor to consider when selecting hypoallergenic food for your Maltese. Duck is generally recognized as a highly digestible protein source, ensuring that your dog’s digestive system can efficiently process and absorb the nutrients it provides. By opting for a highly digestible food like duck, you can help minimize gastrointestinal issues and ensure that your Maltese receives the necessary nutrients for optimal health.

Rich in iron and zinc

In addition to being a novel protein source, duck also offers essential vitamins and minerals. Duck is particularly rich in iron and zinc, both of which play crucial roles in your Maltese’s overall health. Iron contributes to the production of healthy red blood cells and helps prevent anemia, while zinc supports immune system function and promotes healthy skin and coat. By including duck in your dog’s diet, you’re providing them with these essential nutrients, ensuring their well-being.


Good source of fiber

Fiber is an important component of a well-balanced diet, and peas can be an excellent source of dietary fiber. Including peas in your Maltese’s hypoallergenic food can contribute to healthy digestion and regular bowel movements. Fiber adds bulk to the stool, aiding in its passage through the digestive tract and helping prevent issues such as constipation. By incorporating peas into your dog’s diet, you can promote proper digestion and ensure their gastrointestinal health.

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Hypoallergenic vegetable

Peas are often considered a hypoallergenic vegetable, making them a suitable option for dogs with allergies or food sensitivities. They are less likely to cause adverse reactions, allowing you to provide your Maltese with a nutritious food source without triggering allergies. Peas can be an excellent addition to your dog’s hypoallergenic diet, providing essential nutrients without compromising their well-being.

Contains essential vitamins and minerals

In addition to being a good source of fiber, peas also offer essential vitamins and minerals. These nutrients contribute to overall health and can support various bodily functions. Peas are particularly rich in vitamin K, vitamin C, and various B vitamins. Vitamin K plays a crucial role in blood clotting, while vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and supports immune system function. B vitamins are involved in energy production and help maintain a healthy nervous system. By incorporating peas into your dog’s diet, you’re providing them with these essential vitamins and minerals.

Supports healthy digestion

Maintaining a healthy digestive system is vital for your Maltese’s overall well-being. Peas can help support healthy digestion by providing dietary fiber, promoting regular bowel movements, and preventing digestive issues such as constipation. By including peas in your dog’s hypoallergenic diet, you can help ensure their gastrointestinal health and improve their overall digestive function.

Sweet Potatoes

Low allergenic potential

When it comes to hypoallergenic food options, sweet potatoes are often a top choice. They have a low allergenic potential, making them less likely to cause adverse reactions or trigger allergies in dogs. If your Maltese has sensitivities or allergies, sweet potatoes can be a safe and nutritious addition to their diet. By choosing sweet potatoes, you’re opting for a food source that minimizes the risk of allergic responses and provides essential nutrients.

Rich in dietary fiber

Sweet potatoes are not only hypoallergenic, but they also offer an excellent source of dietary fiber. Fiber is essential for maintaining healthy digestion and supporting regular bowel movements. It adds bulk to the stool, promoting its movement through the digestive tract and preventing issues like constipation. By incorporating sweet potatoes into your Maltese’s hypoallergenic diet, you’re providing them with the necessary fiber to support their gastrointestinal health.

Good source of vitamins A and C

In addition to being rich in fiber, sweet potatoes are also packed with essential vitamins. They are particularly high in vitamins A and C, both of which play crucial roles in your Maltese’s health. Vitamin A is vital for vision, growth, and immune system function. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, supports immune system health, and aids in collagen synthesis. By including sweet potatoes in your dog’s diet, you’re providing them with these beneficial vitamins, contributing to their overall well-being.

Provides essential nutrients

Sweet potatoes offer more than just fiber and vitamins. They are also a good source of other essential nutrients like potassium, calcium, and iron. These minerals are important for various bodily functions, including muscle and nerve function, bone health, and red blood cell production. By incorporating sweet potatoes into your Maltese’s hypoallergenic diet, you’re ensuring that they receive a well-rounded source of essential nutrients.



Blueberries are small but mighty when it comes to their nutritional value. They are packed with antioxidants, which play a crucial role in your Maltese’s health. Antioxidants help protect the body against free radicals, unstable molecules that can cause cellular damage and contribute to aging and disease. By incorporating blueberries into your dog’s diet, you’re providing them with a natural and delicious source of antioxidants, supporting their overall well-being.

Low in calories

If your Maltese is watching their weight or has specific dietary restrictions, blueberries can be a great addition to their hypoallergenic diet. Blueberries are low in calories, making them a guilt-free treat option for your furry friend. Despite their low calorie content, blueberries offer a burst of flavor and essential nutrients, making them a healthy and satisfying choice.

Great source of vitamins and minerals

In addition to being antioxidant-rich, blueberries also offer a range of vitamins and minerals. These nutrients contribute to various bodily functions, ensuring your Maltese’s well-being. Blueberries are particularly high in vitamin C and vitamin K. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and supports immune system function, while vitamin K plays a crucial role in blood clotting. By incorporating blueberries into your dog’s diet, you’re providing them with these essential vitamins and minerals.

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Supports cognitive function

As your Maltese ages, maintaining cognitive function becomes increasingly important. Blueberries can be beneficial in supporting their cognitive health. The antioxidants found in blueberries have been shown to support brain health and improve memory and learning in older dogs. By including blueberries in your dog’s hypoallergenic diet, you’re providing them with a delicious and nutritious way to support their cognitive function.

Coconut Oil

Anti-inflammatory properties

Coconut oil is gaining popularity for its various health benefits, and one of them is its anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation can be a concern for dogs with allergies, and incorporating coconut oil into their diet can help alleviate this inflammation. The medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, offering relief for dogs with allergic reactions or joint issues. By adding coconut oil to your Maltese’s diet, you’re providing them with a natural and effective way to combat inflammation.

Improves skin conditions

Healthy skin is crucial for dogs with allergies, and coconut oil can be a valuable addition to their diet to support skin health. Coconut oil is known for its moisturizing properties, which can help alleviate dry, itchy, or irritated skin. Additionally, coconut oil’s anti-inflammatory effects can reduce redness and inflammation associated with skin allergies or hot spots. By incorporating coconut oil into your dog’s diet, you’re promoting healthier and more comfortable skin for your Maltese.

Promotes a healthy immune system

A robust immune system is vital for dogs, especially those with allergies. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, a compound known for its immune-boosting properties. Lauric acid has antimicrobial and antiviral benefits, helping to support your Maltese’s immune system and keep them healthy. By including coconut oil in your dog’s diet, you’re providing them with a natural way to enhance their immune system’s function.

Good source of medium-chain fatty acids

Coconut oil is a fantastic source of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). MCFAs are easily digestible and quickly metabolized by the body, providing a readily available source of energy. These fatty acids can also support weight management, making coconut oil a suitable option for Maltese dogs prone to weight gain or obesity. By incorporating coconut oil into your dog’s diet, you’re giving them a nutritious and energizing addition to their meals.



Pumpkin is well-known for being fiber-rich, and this can have significant benefits for your Maltese’s digestive health. The high fiber content in pumpkin promotes healthy bowel movements and prevents issues like constipation. It adds bulk to the stool, allowing for easier passage through the digestive tract. By including pumpkin in your dog’s hypoallergenic diet, you’re providing them with the necessary fiber for optimal digestion.

Improves digestion

Another advantage of pumpkin is its ability to improve digestion. The fiber in pumpkin can help regulate the digestive process, promoting a healthy and regular bowel movement. Additionally, pumpkin contains certain enzymes that aid in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients. By incorporating pumpkin into your Maltese’s diet, you’re helping to improve their overall digestion and ensure their gastrointestinal health.

Helps with diarrhea or constipation

Whether your Maltese is experiencing diarrhea or constipation, pumpkin can be a valuable addition to their diet. Its fiber content helps bulk up the stool, making it beneficial for dogs with diarrhea. On the other hand, the fiber in pumpkin also adds moisture to the stool, making it easier to pass for dogs with constipation. By including pumpkin in your dog’s hypoallergenic diet, you’re providing them with a natural and effective way to address digestive issues.

Promotes a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for your Maltese’s overall well-being. Pumpkin can be a great ally in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. It is low in calories and high in fiber, providing a satisfying and nutrient-dense option for your dog. The fiber in pumpkin can help your Maltese feel full while consuming fewer calories, making it an excellent addition to their hypoallergenic diet.


Gluten-free grain

For dogs with grain sensitivities or allergies, finding a hypoallergenic grain option is crucial. Quinoa is a gluten-free grain that provides an excellent alternative for dogs with grain-related sensitivities. It is gentle on the stomach and less likely to cause adverse reactions. By incorporating quinoa into your Maltese’s diet, you’re opting for a grain that supports their nutritional needs without triggering allergies.

Good source of protein

Quinoa is not only a grain but also a good source of plant-based protein. Protein is an essential nutrient for your Maltese’s overall health, and incorporating quinoa can help meet their protein requirements. Quinoa provides all the essential amino acids needed for optimal nutrition, contributing to muscle development, repair, and overall growth. By including quinoa in your dog’s hypoallergenic diet, you’re giving them a nutritious alternative to traditional protein sources.

Contains essential amino acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and quinoa contains all the essential amino acids needed for your Maltese’s well-being. Essential amino acids cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained through diet. By including quinoa in your dog’s hypoallergenic diet, you’re providing them with the necessary amino acids for muscle development, tissue repair, and various bodily functions.

Non-inflammatory carbohydrate

It’s important to choose carbohydrates that aren’t inflammatory for dogs with allergies, and quinoa fits the bill perfectly. Quinoa is a non-inflammatory carbohydrate, meaning it doesn’t contribute to inflammation in the body. By incorporating quinoa into your Maltese’s diet, you’re providing them with a carbohydrate source that supports their nutritional needs without causing unwanted inflammation.