Are Maltese Difficult to Housebreak?

If you’ve ever considered getting a Maltese as a furry addition to your family, you might find yourself wondering, “Are Maltese difficult to housebreak?” Potty training can be a challenge for any dog owner, but with their small size and delicate nature, you may be concerned about the Maltese breed’s ability to master this essential skill. In this article, we’ll explore the topic of housebreaking Maltese dogs and provide valuable insights to help you navigate this aspect of pet ownership with confidence.

Factors Influencing Housebreaking Difficulty

Housebreaking a dog can be a challenging task for any pet owner, but certain factors can influence the level of difficulty. Understanding these factors can help you approach the housebreaking process more effectively. Four main factors that play a role in housebreaking difficulty are breed characteristics, individual temperament, previous training or socialization, and consistency and patience.

Breed Characteristics

When it comes to housebreaking, a dog’s breed characteristics can have a significant impact on the difficulty of the process. In the case of Maltese dogs, there are a few specific breed characteristics that pet owners should be aware of.

Small Bladder Size

One factor that can make housebreaking a Maltese more challenging is their relatively small bladder size compared to larger dog breeds. Dogs with smaller bladders naturally have a smaller capacity to hold their urine, leading to more frequent trips outside for bathroom breaks.

High Energy Levels

Maltese dogs tend to have high energy levels, which can sometimes make it difficult to keep them focused during the housebreaking process. Their boundless energy may lead to increased distractibility, making it important to establish a consistent routine and use positive reinforcement effectively.

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While Maltese dogs are known for their charming personalities, they can also be quite stubborn at times. This stubbornness can make it more difficult to train them to follow the desired bathroom habits. However, with patience, consistency, and the right approach, even the most stubborn Maltese can become successfully housebroken.

Individual Temperament

Apart from breed characteristics, individual temperament also plays a crucial role in the ease or difficulty of housebreaking a Maltese. Understanding your dog’s temperament is essential for tailoring your training methods accordingly.

Fearfulness or Anxiety

Some Maltese dogs may exhibit fearful or anxious behavior, especially during the housebreaking process. This fear or anxiety can hinder their ability to learn and follow the desired bathroom habits. It is important to create a calm and supportive environment, using positive reinforcement techniques to build their confidence and ease their fears.


The independent nature of Maltese dogs can sometimes pose a challenge during housebreaking. They may be more inclined to explore their surroundings rather than focusing on their bathroom needs. It is important to establish control and boundaries while still allowing them some independence to avoid overwhelming or frustrating them.


The small size and energetic personality of a Maltese can make them easily distracted, especially during the housebreaking process. They may be tempted by various stimuli and lose focus on their bathroom training. Consistency and patience are crucial during this time, as they will help you reinforce the desired behaviors and minimize distractions.

Previous Training or Socialization

The level of previous training or socialization a Maltese has received can greatly impact their housebreaking difficulties. Lack of proper training or limited exposure to different environments can influence their ability to understand and follow the desired bathroom habits.

Lack of Proper Training

If a Maltese has not received proper training in their early stages, they may struggle with understanding the concept of housebreaking. It is crucial to set clear expectations, provide consistent guidance, and use positive reinforcement techniques to teach them appropriate bathroom behaviors.

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Limited Exposure to Different Environments

Maltese dogs that have had limited exposure to various environments may find it challenging to adapt to new surroundings during the housebreaking process. Gradually introducing them to new environments and gradually increasing the difficulty level of training can help them overcome this challenge.

Inconsistent Housebreaking Methods

Inconsistency in housebreaking methods can confuse a Maltese and hinder their learning process. Using different techniques or giving mixed signals can slow down their progress. It is important to be consistent with your approach and ensure that everyone in the household follows the same set of rules and expectations.

Consistency and Patience

Consistency and patience are essential elements in successfully housebreaking a Maltese. These factors are applicable to all dog breeds but are particularly important when dealing with a breed like the Maltese, which may require extra time and effort.

Establishing a Routine

Creating a consistent routine is crucial in the housebreaking process. Maltese dogs thrive on routine, so establishing a regular schedule for bathroom breaks will help them understand when and where they are expected to eliminate. Consistency in timing and location will reinforce the desired behaviors.

Using Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a highly effective training method when it comes to housebreaking a Maltese. Praising and rewarding your dog for eliminating in the appropriate spot will reinforce their understanding of what is expected from them. Treats, verbal praise, and affectionate gestures can all serve as powerful motivators during the housebreaking process.

Avoiding Punishment

Punishment, such as yelling or physical discipline, should be avoided during the housebreaking process. Instead, focus on positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors. Punishment can create fear or anxiety, which may hinder the progress of housebreaking and negatively affect the bond between you and your Maltese.

Tips for Housebreaking a Maltese

Housebreaking a Maltese requires a combination of the factors mentioned above, along with some practical tips that specifically cater to this breed.

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Start Early

Begin housebreaking your Maltese as early as possible. Puppies have more success in learning new behaviors and habits at a young age. By starting early, you can establish good habits and ensure a smoother housebreaking process.

Establish a Routine

Designate specific potty areas for your Maltese and consistently take them to these spots for bathroom breaks. Regular bathroom breaks throughout the day, especially after meals and waking up from naps, will reinforce their understanding of where they are expected to go.

Use Crate Training

Crate training can be an effective tool in housebreaking a Maltese. Select an appropriately sized crate that allows your dog to comfortably stand, turn around, and lie down. Introduce the crate gradually, building positive associations with it. Avoid using the crate as a form of punishment to ensure it remains a safe and comfortable space for your dog.

Reward Good Behavior

When your Maltese eliminates in the designated potty area, immediately reward them with treats, verbal praise, and affectionate gestures. This positive reinforcement will reinforce their understanding of the desired behavior, making them more likely to repeat it in the future.

Clean Accidents Properly

Accidents are bound to happen during the housebreaking process, but it’s crucial to clean them up properly. Use enzymatic cleaners specifically designed to eliminate urine odors and avoid harsh cleaners containing ammonia, as the smell might attract your Maltese to the same spot again. Removing odors completely will help prevent repeat accidents and establish a clean environment for your dog.

In conclusion, while housebreaking a Maltese can present its challenges, understanding and addressing the factors that influence difficulty can make the process smoother and more successful. By considering the breed characteristics, individual temperament, previous training or socialization, and ensuring consistency and patience, you can effectively housebreak your Maltese and establish good bathroom habits. With the right techniques, early training, and positive reinforcement, you can help your Maltese become a well-behaved, housebroken companion.